How a Public Adjuster Can Help With a Flood Damage Claim
  • January 10, 2020
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Flood and water cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage to properties across the USA, especially during the fall and winter months. For flood damage insurance claims in West Chester, our team at Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters may be able to help speed up insurance payouts and fight against the denial of a settlement. This piece will discuss the leading causes of water damage and how we can help you to navigate through the claims process. Review the infographic below for a quick overview, and then continue reading below for more information:

Common Causes of Water Damage in Residential Properties 

Water damage can be caused by uncontrollable weather conditions or accidents within the home. Identifying the cause of any damage is vital to help you with your claims process. Some typical causes of water damages in the house that may be disputed by insurance companies include overflowing appliances, burst pipes, and weather-related issues.

Several issues can cause pressure build-up and weakened pipes, including backed-up toilets and drains, frozen pipes, and clogged garbage disposals. If you experience water damage because of a burst pipe, you should contact our team of public adjusters to file an insurance claim and receive fair compensation for your issues.

Weather conditions and natural disasters that lead to flooding are out of your control. Sudden storms and flash floods can lead to severe damage to the exterior of a property, causing significant water damage. Our expert team can help you to file a flood damage claim in Nassau County and nearby regions. By working closely with a public adjuster, you increase your chances of successfully being compensated for both exterior and interior property damage.

How Our Team of Public Adjusters Can Help With Water Damage Claims

The cost of water damage to your home can be overwhelming, but with the help of our team, you’ll receive accurate compensation for any damage to your property.

Are you dissatisfied with the results of a recent water damage claim? Do you feel like damages were not covered, or the offer was too low? We will thoroughly inspect and review your policy before we negotiate with your insurance company to receive a fair settlement.

Our team can assist you if:

– You are unsure of how to navigate your claims process.

– Your insurance company is slow to recover the funds for your damages.

– You require a professional advocate to speed up the remuneration process.

– You feel that your insurance company has undervalued your claim.

– Your insurance company has denied your claim.

For more information, contact the Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters team today.

What Questions Should I Ask Before Hiring A Public Adjuster?
  • January 8, 2020
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As a reputable team of public adjusters fighting for commercial claims in West Chester and the surrounding areas, Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters understands that the claims process can be daunting. Once you decide you need to hire a professional to help you out, finding an experienced public adjuster with a solid track record who will charge a fair price can be overwhelming. We’re here to help you out on that! 

As with all professionals, we understand that you have to hire someone you can trust. We’ve listed a few questions you can ask when affirming the perfect public adjuster for you and your claim.

Who will be communicating with the insurance company? 

A public adjuster should be hired immediately, and it’s best to let them report the claim to the insurance company. In fact, almost all the communication should only be between the public adjuster and the insurance company. An experienced public adjuster will know how to handle any questions that the insurance company asks, so it’s best to let them take the lead here. 

What types of claims do they usually handle? 

When hiring an adjuster, make sure they have handled claims of a similar kind. While you can inquire about this speaking with a representative, this information may be available on the company’s website.

Is the company licensed to practice public adjusting in this state? 

The state insurance department should be contacted to determine if the company is currently licensed.

How long has the claims company been in business? 

Take into account how long your adjuster has worked for the company. Inquire about the nature of the firm; is it a long-standing team of claims professionals? Is it a newly established firm by a public adjuster with decades of experience? Do you trust them to handle a case of this size based on their years of experience?

Do they have good references?

A legitimate team of adjusters will provide references along with recommendation letters from previous clients. Follow up with the client to get an even more accurate depiction of how the firm operates.

How many claims does the firm currently handle? 

The answer will help you determine the priority level of your claim. Will it get proper attention, or might it be put on the backburner?

Why is the company a good fit for this claim? 

Let the adjuster explain why you should go with his or her firm. This question can open up the floor for extra information about the inner workings of the claims process, the history of the firm, and more.

For more information about our services or a claim regarding commercial property damage insurance in Queens and the surrounding areas, contact Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters today.


How to Prepare for a Hurricane
  • November 13, 2019
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With hurricane season still underway along the East Coast, we want to advise our clients on the best way to prepare for these natural disasters. These are several things that you can do right up until a hurricane hits that will help to protect your home, assets, and family. Follow the information below to adequately prepare for the next hurricane and the devastation it could bring.

Advanced Preparation

Try to find out the risk level that your community is facing for the hurricane that is due to hit. Sign up for any emergency notification system and look out for signs of flash flooding. Additionally, make sure that you have an evacuation plan and know where your nearest shelters are located. Try to collect three days worth of supplies, and don’t forget pets or any family members that need regular medication. Keep all your important documents somewhere safe, and review your insurance policy to see what it covers regarding hurricane damage.

Three Days Before the Hurricane

Check your TV or radio regularly for the latest forecasts and emergency instructions. Double-check you have enough supplies to last the next few days. Have a plan in place to keep in touch with family members in case the power goes out. Fill your car with gas and make sure the vehicle is running correctly. Stash some emergency clothes and supplies in the car.

24-36 Hours Before the Hurricane

Place a bookmark on your city website to quickly access any emergency instructions during the storm. Take any loose objects indoors; these can become dangerous projectiles when winds get high. This includes all outdoor furniture, garbage cans, and propane tanks. Also, trim or remove any trees that could damage property. Cover all your windows, using permanent storm shutters if possible.

6 Hours Before Hurricane

Unless you’ve been instructed to evacuate, stay indoors and keep in contact with your family and friends. Close all storm shutters and stay away from the windows. Turn your refrigerator down to its coldest setting and only use it when necessary. This can help to keep food fresh if there is a power cut. Keep the TV and radio on and check the city or county website for updates.

During a Hurricane

Be sure to evacuate if you’ve been told to do so, don’t drive around the barricades. Get to the highest level of a building if you become trapped by flooding. Listen to all emergency instructions and information, and use generators or gas-powered equipment away from the windows. Don’t ever try to swim, walk, or drive through floodwaters; this is when serious accidents take place. 

If your home has been damaged by a hurricane or another storm, contact our team of public adjusters.



Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters Fights For Your Claims
  • September 11, 2019
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At Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters, we dedicate our work to advocating for every single one of our clients. Our licensed public adjusters are highly trained and experienced to handle troublesome insurance companies. We understand the challenges that individuals face when filing insurance claims, which is why we offer our expert services to guide you through the process. Serving the state of New York, Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters promises to fight for you and get the compensation you deserve.

What Is a Public Adjuster?

A public adjuster is a licensed insurance professional that handles insurance claims on behalf of a policyholder, the individual making a claim. In simpler terms, a public adjuster vouches for the public by adjusting insurance claims, all for the sake of benefitting the client. Aside from attorneys in the state of New York, licensed public adjusters can legally represent the rights of the insured during a first-party insurance claim case.


The policyholder directly hires a public adjuster, who in turn guides policyholders through the process of appraising and negotiating a claim. At Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters, our team understands the pressure and strain of handling an insurance claim, and our professional public adjusters are devoted to properly managing your claim and accomplishing the rightful compensation you’re entitled to.

Committed Public Adjusters

Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters assists with various insurance claims regarding damage caused by fires, water, storms, and burst pipes. We understand that unfortunately, disasters can and do happen. It can be tough to recuperate from incidents like these, and dealing with insurance claims can be an additional stress. Let our team of public adjusters do the heavy lifting and properly handle your insurance claims.

The Process

When you hire a public adjuster from Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters, we will thoroughly examine your insurance policy and inspect the damage done to your property. Our staff personally reviews the damage with clients and prepares photos and paperwork as well. We then provide estimates for the cost of repairs and replacements. From there, the public adjuster begins the negotiation process with your insurance company.

Highly Trusted Staff

Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters recognizes the responsibility we adopt when taking on your insurance claim. There can be a lot at stake when managing your claim, but our public adjusters have extensive experience in the field. We promise to fight for your claim and achieve the justice you deserve.


To learn more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters today.



Why Hire a Public Adjuster to Handle Your Fire Damage Claim?
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Here at Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters, we work closely with victims of fire damage so that they receive adequate funds to help them recover from their losses. Fire damage can occur at any moment as a result of an accident, electrical fault, or due to many other causes. While safety is the primary priority when a fire occurs, so is efficient and speedy recovery from any damage caused by the fire.

Below are several benefits of working with a public adjuster to manage your insurance claim.


Managing a fire damage claim can quickly become a full-time task. Working with a public adjuster will help you to avoid hours of correspondence, reviews, and documentation. This means that you and your family can concentrate on regaining a sense of normalcy.


Insurance comes with plenty of fine print and paperwork. As public adjusters, we can help you to understand exactly how your policy works. We will also guide you through all the necessary steps to help you complete your claim.


Your insurer has no reason to believe that you would question or challenge an unjust settlement unless you have an expert on your team. By hiring a public adjuster, you are showing that you are 100% serious about your claim, as we will assist with the necessary steps if your claim is denied.


The combination of availability and expertise makes public adjusters well equipped to expedite the filing process of a claim. Sometimes insurance companies speak in technical jargon, and this can be difficult to understand. In these cases, some people need several attempts to complete the insurer’s requests. With a public adjuster on your team, this will not be the case.


Public adjusters are experts in their field, helping people file a claim that truly accounts for their damage and helps them move forward with their lives. Business and homeowner insurance settlements have been proven to be larger when a public adjuster is involved.

In a catastrophic event such as a house fire, the benefits of working with a public adjuster become apparent. With high volumes of caseloads, many insurance companies miss details and oversights as they process a claim. As professional loss adjusters, we make sure that nothing slips through the net, and ample compensation is received for all of our clients.

If you’ve experienced fire damage on your property, your very first step is to contact Steven Borenstein Public Adjusters. We can assess the damages and work closely with you to get the